Aditya Deshlahre


Phase 01 Completed of GSoC 2024


Phase 01 GSoC'2024 >>>>>>>>>>

So unlike other contributors, I was going through Community Bonding Phase [date : 1 may > 27 May ] where mostly contributors communicate more about there project to there project admin. I also did the same things, Talked to my mentort Mr Cliff Gita. We have setted a weekly meetings on firday (eventually it didn't worked out) so every week I present my works and updates to my mentors and similer thing i do to in THU's community mettings too.

Biggest support in the whole PHASE 01 on contributions was of Mr Moses Mutesasira in every take. He supported us in debgging and make things clear as well. Eventually he started giving extra time to community calls. Hence that was very help full for faster development :)

Also when ever i have some specific doubts we connect on SLACK HUDDLES for faster development and debugging and fixes!

All i wanted to say till now i had a best experience in OPENELIS foundation and working here toooo.....

:::::::::::: Some Serious things ::::::::::::

To see my week by week updates you can follow up here : Main Thread This will take you to our forum where we talk some serious stuff.

To directly reach my PRs : Click Here It will take you GITHUB and hence you can check my work!

Thank You!