Aditya Deshlahre


Got Selected For GSoC 2024



So this year 2024, I started contributing to organization called The OpenELIS Global Foundation on January. Later on got to know this organization will be comming up in GSoC this year. After knowing this, I got supper pumpped and starte contributing very aggresively.

This organizations is coming up with 6 Projects this year. One of them is Rewrite Admin Pages & Components JSP to ReactJS. I was already familier with reactJS and quite confident on it.

So submitting proposal was must hence after regress contribute in the time frame of JAN-APRIL months. I submitted proposal and there were less compition because this organization is comming for the first time in GSoC.

My Name at Google's Website!

On Data : 2024-05-01 at 18:00 UTC & 22:00 IST there was main in my box og getting selected in Google Summer of Code 2024.

And knowingly this is a 20th Year of GSoC happening

Thank You!